"War Department?" the Mexican woman said. “陆军部?”墨西哥妇人疑惑道。
Two or three times the Minister of War and the general in command of the department wrote to him with the following address: A Monsieur le Commandant Pontmercy. 军政部和省总指挥官写过两三次信给他,信封上写着“彭眉胥队长先生”。
Seconded to the War Department a few months ago in Bangkok, Thailand, the Department of Health AIDS Research Center, led a final breakthrough. 几个月前借调到美国陆军部卫生署驻泰国曼谷的艾滋研究中心,领军做最后突破。
One problem that gave the War Department continuing concern was that of securing practical battlefield experience for portions of the Army before the whole of it should finally be thrown into a life-and-death struggle. 陆军部经常注意的一个问题,是在全部陆军生死斗争之前,搜集一部分陆军的实战经验。
BIA was created in the War Department in 1824, and transferred to the Department of the Interior in 1949. 印第安事务部由美国陆军部于1824年创立,并于1949年由内务部接管。
The war department, recognizing this, gave to each theater commander considerable credits to be used when needed. 陆军部有鉴于此,给予每个战地指挥官一笔数量可观的现金,备作赔偿之用。
Smith's report was not officially okayed by the War Department for Release until July 9. 史密斯的报告于7月9日才获得释放战俘处正式批准。
At that time, the War Production Board, whose job was to harness the civilian economy to the military machine, set up a department to help improve quality in the military. 当时,负责为利用民间经济到军事机器上的「战时生产委员会」,成立了一个帮助改进军品品质的部门。
At same time, the War Department began construction at this site of the gigantic Wilson Dam to provide electric power for the nitrate plants. 同时陆军部开始在这个地方建设巨大的威尔逊水坝,为硝酸盐工厂提供电力。
He did research for the United States War Department. 这段时间中他为美国陆军部做研究。
Parallelogram rule for addition of vectors An early plot plan for a new War Department headquarters, with its irregular pentagon shape. 向量加法之平行四边形法则这是五角大楼最初的设计图纸,当时还被设计为不规则的五边形。
Whenever there was a long, businesslike envelope in the stack, I would know that grandpa had got an answer from the War Department. 每当架子里有长长的、公务式的信封时,我就知道国防部给姥爷回信了。
Why, despite countless threats and known plots, did the War Department ( 2) not provide Lincoln with adequate protection? 为什么陆军部对无数的威胁和已知的阴谋置若罔闻,不给林肯提供充分的保护?
His brother was a colonel, and had held a post in the war department in washington; 他的兄弟是个上校,曾在华盛顿陆军部供职;
I have been shown in the files of the War Department a statement of the Adjutant General of Massachusetts, that you are the mother of five sons who have died gloriously on the field of battle. 有人把陆军部文件里的一份马萨诸塞州陆军副官处处长呈送的报告书拿给我看,报告书说,你是一位有五个儿子都在战场上光荣牺牲了的母亲。
Her father is a scientist working for the war department. 她爸爸是美国陆军部的一个科学家。
He applied to the war department for a pension. 他向国防部申请残废金。
She went to the loft and came back with a blood-stained paper bearing the official War Department seal. 她到阁楼上取下一份儿血迹斑斑的文件,上面盖着陆军部的印章。
Why'd you let the war department pay all the bills? 那你又为什么让陆军部全额资助你?
A principal duty of War Department planners was to recommend a scheme of operations for the Army in the waging of war against Germany and Japan. 陆军部参谋的主要职责为拟定作战计划,以供对德日之作战。
The War Department had achieved a gratifying level of efficiency before the outbreak of war. 陆军部在战争爆发之前,已经有了相当准备。
In 1932, he went to northeast China to join the War of Aggression against China and served successively as detachment captain of Hailun Military Police and director-general of Police Department in Fushun City of the "Manchukuo". 1932年到中国东北参加侵华战争,曾任海伦宪兵分遣队长、伪满洲国抚顺市警察局局长等职。
Secondly, adhering to market and war field, building and developing department with characteristics with view on future needs for medical support; 2坚持市场与战场并重,着眼于未来战争卫勤保障的需要,建设发展特色科室;
Even in the hard war period, nearly 10 kinds of military medical journals were created by medical department of PLA in Shan-Gan-Ning border area. 我陕甘宁边区的卫生机关,在异常艰苦的战争年代也先后创办了10余种医疗卫生报刊。
Among them, there are concerted efforts, the situation in the war against the common enemy, the various meetings and the department of the country. 其中,有众志成城、同仇敌忾的抗战形势,各种会议的场面报道,国共分和的坎坷经历。
With the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, the government founded wartime profits tax, inheritance tax for financial injections and received business tax managed by local government and stamp duty managed by the tax department. 随着抗战全面爆发,政府为寻找财政挹注,陆续开征了战时利得税、遗产税,接收了由地方管理的营业税和由税务署管理的印花税。
After the war a little flat, Anhui Construction Department to maintain the rear is safe to continue to expand cotton production improvement activities, and continue the cotton seeds comparative tests. 后战事稍平,安徽省建设厅为维持后方安全,继续开展棉产改良活动,坚持棉花良种比较实验。